Media Building Tour
Straight ahead on entering the main door is a corridor leading to room 106 on the right and the Anna Brett hall on the left. Behind the Anna Brett hall is an emergency exit and dressing rooms.
To the left on entering the main door is a corridor leading to the stairs upstairs to the left and the Anna Brett hall on the right. The Anna Brett hall has a stage and seating area.
Continuing down the hall past the stairs, on the left is a lift to the first floor followed by a door to an external courtyard with seating and tables, and on the right is another door to the Anna Brett hall.
A little further down the corridor again, through the fire doors, on the right are student toilets.
Another set of fire doors lead to classrooms 101 and 102 on the left, with a fire exit straight ahead.
Opposite the door to room 102 is a further corridor leading to staff toilets, classrooms 103 and 104 all on the left, and room 105 on the far right. Room 105 is used for team meetings and is also a staff room.
At the end of this corridor is a set of fire doors leading to a second set of stairs leading upwards to the first floor on the left, and straight ahead, a fire exit.
At the top of this stairs is a long corridor leading to computer rooms 205 on the immediate left, and 204 on the immediate right.
About halfway down this main corridor, a small corridor to the left leads to several sound booths, and at the very end on the right is computer room 203, and straight ahead another set of fire doors.
Through these doors, straight ahead is computer room 202 on the right, and 201 on the left.
Continuing to the left along this new corridor, there is built in seating on the right, and all gender and all ability bathroom on the left.
Continuing through the fire doors, on the left is a door leading to the upper levels of the Anna Brett hall, and on the right is a door to the lift you passed on the ground floor on the way in.
At the end of this corridor is a second door to the Anna Brett hall, and the top of the first set of stairs you passed on the ground floor on the way in.
Further along this corridor are rooms 214 and 215. Voice over rooms and sound booths can be accessed through room 215.