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The Erasmus Plus Programme offers BCFE students the opportunity to apply to work abroad (usually for a two-to-three-week period). Placements will be arranged with employers in the host country with support from BCFE. You can experience living in another culture, enjoy travelling, improve language skills, gain a Europass Qualification, add this experience to your CV and get that valuable job.  

Students will have the opportunity to complete placements in their vocational area in countries such as Finland, Germany, Holland, Malta and Spain. Placements normally take place during the academic year September-May. If your application to work aboard is successful, you will qualify for a grant towards the cost of the mobility programme including travel, accommodation and living expenses. In addition, you will receive language and cultural preparation prior to departure. 

Erasmus students and staff at the airport

How is your Erasmus+ exchange funded?

Under the Erasmus+ programme, students from BCFE have the opportunity to spend two to three weeks on work placement with a European partner organisation as part of their course.

Erasmus students receive a maintenance grant, which is provided by the European Commission. The aim of the grant is to assist students with travel and the cost of living abroad.  The amount varies from year to year depending on how many students are participating in the programme. The grant is not means-tested and does not affect students’ entitlements to other grants, such as SUSI, Back to Education, etc. The grant amount can vary depending on the host country and the duration of mobility.

Pre-requisites prior to applying to take part on an Erasmus+ mobility

All BCFE student wishing to take part on an Erasmus+ mobility will need to apply and undergo a selection process. All students will also need to have:

  1. All course registration documentation submitted.
  2. Have an excellent attendance record with their assignment work up to date at time of selection. This will be verified at selection.
  3. A valid passport (which is not less than 6 months away from expiry).
  4. A European Health Insurance Card

Erasmus+ Applictions Open

Applications for an Erasmus+ mobility is now open for all Ballyfermot College students at the QR code or at this link:   Erasmus Applications

Erasmus Applications

erasmus cofunded
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